News And Events

Board of studies meeting

A Board of Studies (BoS) meeting was conducted for the B.Tech Engineering program on 25th September 2024. The meeting primarily focused on the curriculum,  evaluating the current courses, and  incorporating advanced engineering  programs. Dr. Balika J. Chelliah  (Professor, CSE, SRM  Institute of Science and  Technology, Ramapuram) and  Dr. Sasikumar Gurumoorthy (Associate Dean and Professor, CSE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Tiruchirapalli)  served  as expert  BoS members and  provided valuable  suggestions  for the program.  Dr. Mariya Princy, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, presented the curriculum  and  syllabus for three B.Tech Engineering programs: CSE, AI&DS, and Cyber Security.