News And Events

Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Department

On 1st and 3rd October 2024, the students of Advanced Zoology  and  Biotechnology gave  insightful class presentations  on light  and electron microscopy. The students  and  faculty  engaged in  discussions  on the principles  and  advancements of these tools in  biological  research. Additionally, as  part of enhancing students’ engagement and academic involvement, the students of B.Sc  CS & AI, BCA,  and B.Sc Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology spearheaded a notice board activity. B.Com students participated in an  insightful discussion on India’s two major stock  exchanges, namely the  National  Stock Exchange and the  Bombay Stock Exchange. To sharpen the students’ business knowledge, the  department held a  discussion on a business quiz and current affairs. This initiative encouraged peer-to-peer learning.